Yvonne Siegmund
Dr.-Ing. Arch., M.Sc. UD
urban development and urban research , HafenCity Universität, Hamburg
Hamburg, Deutschland
Yvonne studied architecture and urban design. After several years in architectural practice, she now works at the interface between architecture and urban planning (research). Yvonne develops projects in multidisciplinary constellations, e.g. the inter- and transdisciplinary symposium Angst.Ekel.Scheitern. in 2023, in which the blind spots of sustainability in different scientific and (artistic) practice areas were illuminated. Yvonne works in research and teaching, so far at TU Munich, HafenCity University and TU Berlin. Most recently, Yvonne worked in a joint project on research in social responsibility at the Academy for Spatial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL). In her doctoral thesis (2020), she deciphered neighbourhood developments as a function of time and their Eigenzeiten. She is interested in the limits of planning and predictability. This includes understanding the role of crises, uncertainty and ambiguity in urban development processes. Yvonne was a scholarship holder in the Pro-Exzellenzia program and a doctoral student in the International Doctoral College “Research Laboratory Space”. She is a member of the working group “Contributions of planning and politics for a ‘good’ future” at the ARL. She has been back at HCU since January 2024 and heads the research and participation project “Frankfurt Next Generation” at the Digital City Science Chair.